art – craftsmanship – whimsy
A True Original
Tommy Simpson’s artwork that transcends craftsmanship, fine art, and whimsy. He is an “imaginist” who has worked in nearly every medium, including; woodworking, painting, printmaking, clay, woodcarving, bookmaking, jewelry, and even prose. In each work of art, the artist “puzzles together” his personal and cultural references into a signature blend of joyfulness and subtle commentary. “The ultimate goal,” Tommy says, “is to bring the artwork to life, so that the viewer can identify the human spirit behind the work, and experience its poetry.”
You can view his complete resumé here.
Tommy’s Work

Gift of Time
76″ H x 24″ W x 13″ D
Clock, Painted Wood
Tommy Simpson, 2011

Carpenter’s Chair
56″ H x 36″ W x 24″ D
Chair, Mixed Wood and Media
Tommy Simpson, 1991

Butterfly Maiden
81″ H x 32″ W x 16″ D
Clock, Painted Wood
Tommy Simpson, 2011
Tommy’s Work

Gift of Time
76″ H x 24″ W x 13″ D
Clock, Painted Wood
Tommy Simpson, 2011

Carpenter’s Chair
56″ H x 36″ W x 24″ D
Chair, Mixed Wood and Media
Tommy Simpson, 1991

Butterfly Maiden
81″ H x 32″ W x 16″ D
Clock, Painted Wood
Tommy Simpson, 2011
Two Looks to Home
With seasoned insight and humor, Simpson sprinkles autobiographical vignettes, candid childhood snapshots, and wry poems among sparkling reproductions of his ingenious creations and Klee-like paintings. Pam Koob provides an insightful introduction, exploring the connections between Simpson and his art in greater depth.
“Regardless of the medium, there is a readily identifiable Simpson style, a vocabulary of forms, and a palette that are unmistakable. Whether he is making a piece of furniture or forms, or purely nonfunctional object, whether it is two dimensional or three, whether is monumental or intimate in size, Simpson’s forms are organic and voluptuous.”
Karen Chambers: The Arts Craft & Design